What is the population of Kanpur?
Looking up, facts - here are a few laid out (& will give you an idea, why the small wasn't in place):
Place | Population in Million |
Europe | 728 |
Maharastra | 96.75 |
France | 64.10 |
Mumbai | 19.70 |
The Nedtherlands | 16.57 |
Ile-de-France | 11.50 |
Belgium | 10.15 |
Austria | 8.20 |
Switzerland | 7.50 |
Pune | 4.48 |
Kanpur | 4.18 |
Paris | 2.15 |
Amsterdam, Lyon, Zurich, Geneve | < 1 |
the same problems I face when I tell someone I come from some city close to Mumbai .. people are like, more than half the number of people in Switzerland live in your 'SMALL' city!
Which census is this? Pune is more than that i think...
@Sangram :-
@Tejas :-
BhaPo zala na? ;)
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